A few weeks ago we had to take Tony to Jacksonville (he was flying out to a conference in San Fransisco). So I decided to take the kids out of school so we could go to the Jacksonville Zoo while we were there. At first Will didn't want to miss school, even for the zoo. They were bringing Australian animals to his class and he didn't want to miss it. But once we found out he could do both he was all over it. So we left around 11:00, dropped Tony off around 2:00 and made it to the zoo by 2:30. The kids loved it. We saw zebras, lions, elephants, all kinds of snakes (yuck!) and a lot more. As a side note, this is not a real elephant. By about 4:30 we still had more to see but I was pushing all 3 kids in the stroller so we just left. We were on the way home by 5:30 and home by 8:00. Tony didn't get home until that Sunday. We wished he could be there will us. Hallie wanted me to call him and tell him he should come home because he was missing all the "funness."
6 days ago