The tooth fairy did remembered to takes Will's note/tooth last night. But what she didn't remember was that there was a $5 bill inside the folded up $1 bill she left him. So imagine Will's surprise when he woke up in the morning and found she had left him $6! Now I have to explain that I don't think the tooth fairy meant to leave that much and he should not expect $6 each time he looses a tooth. Since he has 3 other loose teeth it shouldn't be too long before he learns that the tooth fairy usually only leaves $1.
That is awesome (because it is so wonderfully hilarious!) I love it! I so would have loved to see the tooth fairy's face when she realized what had happened. Who knows... maybe you could somehow work this into a lesson about honesty... you know, like when you find someone's wallet... OR it could be a lesson on credit (she loaned him the money early since he had good credentials)... Yeah. Good luck on that one. Thanks for sharing this. I needed it today. *loves*
Too funny...
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